
Complaint Letter to a neighbour about his practice of singing at night.

How to write A letter of complaint to a neighbour about his practice of singing at night. A letter of complaint to a neighbour about his practice of singing at night.

Dear Mr Mukherjee,

I wish to complain about the noise that has come from your room late every night this week. I realise that you must practise singing sometimes but I feel you ought to do it at a more suitable time. Ten o'clock at night is rather late to start singing. Even If you could sing well, the noise would still be a little unbearable at that time. I must say that I feel very disturbed when you start singing.

I hope that in future you will be a little more considerate of the feelings of others.

Yours sincerely,

P. K. Chatterjee 

Write a reply to the above letter, pointing out that you never sing so loudly as to disturb your neighbour.

Dear Mr Chatterjee,

I am sorry to note that I have been the cause of an hour's inconvenience late every night this week. It is true that I practise singing at about ten at night. But I'm sure I have never sung so loudly as to disturb you. And I find this time very suitable for my practice. I am always considerate of the feelings of others, and, as such, I practise singing in such a way that others may not be disturbed in the least.

But when you complain that you feel disturbed, I must be more careful in future.

Yours sincerely,

S. Mukherjee

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