
Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports of your school.

Recently you have arranged the annual sports at your school. Describe beginning of the sports, who the chief guest was, you yourself took part in the events, last of all distributed prizes among the winners by chief guest. Now, write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports of your school.

Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports of your school.

Write a letter to your friend describing the annual sports of your school.

Post Office High School,


February 4.2021

Mr dear Tanu.

The annual sports of our school came off yesterday. The function was held in our school field. A great number of local people came to witness the events. The D. P. 1. was the chief guest. The sports began at 8 a. m. after the arrival of the D. P. I. Every event started with a gun-fire. You will be glad to know that I won three first prizes. The races were taken first on. Then we took up the jumps. I took part in jumps and races and came out successful in two jumps and one race. After Jumps and races they took other events, like throwing the shotput, Javelin. Last of all began the sack race and the tug of war. Both the games were very funny. The tug of war went on for a long time, but it ended in a draw.

At the end of the function the chief guest distributed prizes among the winners. We spent a very jolly day and I think it was an instructive day as well. With best wishes

Sincerely yours.


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