
Write a letter to your father/friend telling him how you have done in the Examination.

You just have appeared at the examination. Your friend is anxious to know how you have done. Inform him about your expectation. Write a letter to your father/friend telling him how you have done in the Examination.

Write a letter to your father/friend telling him how you have done in the Examination.

Write a letter to your father/friend telling him how you have done in the Examination.

My dear Ratan,

17/2C, Siddheswari,


I am in receipt of your letter of the 21st of April. You are very anxious about my performance in the examination. I am happy to let you know that I have done very well in all the papers. I expect to secure more than 75% marks in all subjects. Though I am always weak in Mathematics yet I have done well in this subject. I was well prepared and all the questions. I answered I hope to pass the examination with credit. My practical examinations will be finished within a week. I shall then start for home. Hope you are all in good health. My best regards to superiors and love to youngers.

Affectionately yours,


Read This:  Your father was away from home for a month. So you could not pay your tuition fees for the last month for which you have to pay a delay fine. Now, write an application to your headmaster for the remission of delay fines.

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