
Your father was away from home for a month. So you could not pay your tuition fees for the last month for which you have to pay a delay fine. Now, write an application to your headmaster for the remission of delay fines.

Your father was away from home for a month. So you could not pay your tuition fees for the last month for which you have to pay a delay fine. Now, write an application to your headmaster for the remission of delay fines.

Prayer for the remission of delay fines,


The headmaster /Headmistress.

Kushmandi High School, 

Kushmandi, D/ Dinajpur

Sub: Prayer for admission.

Sub: Prayer for the remission of delay fines,


I beg most respectfully and humbly to state that my father was away from home for about a month on an urgent piece of business. He returned only yesterday. So I could not pay my tuition fees for the month of March on the due date. I have always been regular in payment of my tuition fees.

May I, therefore, request you to be kind enough to remit the delay fines this time and receive the usual fees only.

I remain

Your most obedient pupil.

S. M. Das

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