
Letter to your father telling him how you have prepared yourself for the M.P. Examination.

Guess that you are appearing at the M.P. Examination this year. Your father wanted to know about your preparation. Now, write a letter to your father telling him how you have prepared yourself for the M.P. Examination.

MN Model High School



My dear Father.

I am extremely glad to receive your letter just now. I shall never forget your valuable advice in this letter. I shall try my level best to follow them. You have wanted to know about my preparation for the ensuing M.P. Examination.

You know that our examination is near at hand. So, I am very busy with my studies. I hope to do well in all the subjects. I have consulted ten years' questions and answered papers of all the Boards. I have thoroughly revised all the subjects. I find no problem at all in any subject. I am now confident of getting full marks in Mathematics and distinction marks in all Science subjects. I hope I shall do fairly well in the ensuing M.P. Examination. Pray to God for my success. I am also particular about my health.

With best regards to all the superiors and love to the youngers.

Affectionately Yours, 


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