
Independence Day Celebration of my School Paragraph for Students

Write a paragraph on 'Independence Day Celebration' at your school. How to Write a paragraph about on 'Independence Day Celebration' at your school.

 The Independence Day Celebration of my School

[ Hints:  Introduction - programme - participa tion - function ends - conclusion.

The Independence Day celebration is a grand occasion at our school. We observe it most fittingly. The school campus is decently decorated with flags and festoons. We go to school early in the morning to be well dressed. The Headmaster hoists the National Flag. We salute it. The National Anthem is sung in chorus. Some distinguished guests are invited. One of them presides over the function. The guests are garlanded. Students recite poems, sing patriotic songs and deliver speeches. The teachers and guests recall the glorious days of our freedom movements. We listen to them with rapt attention. The speakers advise us to follow the ideals of our freedom fighters. The function ends with the distribution of sweets among all. We come to understand that it is a day of days in Indian history.

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Source: Tarak Nath Paul, Nadiya

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