
Write a letter to the editor of newspaper commenting on the TV programme and give your suggestions for their improvement.

Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper commenting on the TV programme and give your suggestions for their improvement.

give your suggestions for their improvement


The Editor

The Statesman



The TV programmes need a good deal of modifications, and in some cases, omissions, for their improvement. Some programmes lack variety, and therefore they become boring. Of late, some really useful educational programmes have been incorporated. Students and men and women with academic interest are benefited from them. But there are some serials that are indecent and obscene. These serials, coupled with some vulgar advertisements contribute largely to the moral degradation of the present generation. These, in my opinion, should at once be banned. Next, there are news bulletins. These should be direct, clear and easily intelligible to the general public. Long and complex sentences should be avoided. In a newspaper report, long sentences may be used, for we can read a sentence twice, if necessary. But the TV cannot provide us with this scope. So care should be taken in respect of news bulletins. Interviews and cultural programmes are good, but sometimes they are lengthy and a bit monotonous. There should be more rural and youth programmes. Live telecasts from country fairs will be appreciated. There should be children's programmes at least twice a week.

 I would draw the attention of the authority concerned through the columns of your esteemed daily so that my suggestions may be considered and the TV programmes modified likewise.

Yours faithfully.

 P. K. Roy

M. M. Road,



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