
A Flower Garden Paragraph within 300 Words || A paragraph about "A flower Garden"

Describe a flower garden. Mention how many winds of flowers are grown it adds beauty, name the flowers, the different colours of flowers, and how you feel.

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A Flower Garden


A flower garden is one in which various kinds of flowers are grown. It is laid out specially for flower culture. There is a flower garden on our homestead. It adds to the beauty of our house and is our proud possession. Various kinds of flowers grow in the garden. There are the rose, the jasmine, the chameli, the marigold, the gandharaj, the Kamini, and the Bakul. the beli. the Champa, the jui, the Shefali, and many other flowers. The garden is so planned that it is never without flowers. Each flower has a colour and smell of its own. But the rose is the best of the lot. The flower garden adds charm to the whole of our homestead. As for flowers, they are always lovely and add to the joy of life.

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