
Female Education Essay within 500 Words

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Outlines: Introduction: Education will fit a woman to do her duties: A mother is the best teacher of her child: They are more fitted for intellectual work; Conclusion.


We belong to a civilized world. This is an age of progress. Both men and women are the members of society. So it is now an established truth that both should receive education in order to build up progressive society. It there is good educated mother in country there is good child in the nation.

Education will fit a woman to do her duties: 

Nowadays almost all thinking people hold the view that women have the same right to have education as man. Education will rather fit a woman to do her household duties in a more intelligent and economical way than an ignorant one. Some knowledge of sanitation, nursing and midwifery will equip a mother to bear her child better.

A mother is the best teacher to her child: 

An uneducated wife for an educated husband is a serious burden. There cannot be any real happiness in such a family. A mother is the best teacher of her children. A child's whole future depends on the teaching it receives in early childhood. An ignorant mother is of no use to a child who is always eager to know some new things. So women should be given as good education.

They are more fitted or intellectual work: 

It is true that women are capable of standing hard toils like men. They are more fitted to carry an intellectual business. In all advanced countries, majority of school teachers are women. They are much more patient and sympathetic. They are generally more careful and industrious. As clerks, typists and stenographers they are often better.


In fact, education of woman is most essential in our country, to have an uplifted nation. Therefore, let us educated our female as we educate our men.

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