
Raja Rammohan Roy Short Paragraph within 150 Words

Ram Mohan Roy was an Indian reformer who was one of the founders of the Brahmo Sabha, the precursor of the Brahmo Samaj, a social-religious reform movement in the Indian subcontinent.

Raja Rammohan Roy

Raja Rammohan Roy

Raja Rammohan Roy (রামমোহন রায়) Great persons are the teachers of humanity. We read their life histories to follow in their footsteps. Raja Rammohan Roy was such a person who was one of the greatest humanists of Bengal. He was born to Ramkanta Roy and Tarini Devi in 1772 at Radhanagar in Hooghly. He was a brilliant student. He learnt Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit well. Then he joined the government service and held many important posts. Ills of Hindu society touched him deeply. He waged a crusade against casteism (জাতিভেদ), the suttee custom, (সতীদাহ প্রথা) and polygamy He took a leading role in abolishing the suttee custom. He started a religious movement known as Brahmanism and founded Brahmo Samaj in 1828. The Mughal emperor of Delhi conferred upon him the title

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