
A STREET ACCIDENT PARAGRAPH WITHIN 300 WORDS | Short Paragraph on A Street Accident

Write a paragraph about a street accident that you have witnessed. Mention when and where it took place, how the accident happened, what was the condition of the victim, what was your role.


Yesterday I witnessed a street accident near New Market. Two boys were doubling on a bicycle. A car coming from behind hit the bicycle and run over them. The people present there raised hues and cry. The car was at full speed and left the place at once. We shouted, ran up to the spot and saw the dreadful scene. One boy had his arms fractured and the other had a deep cut on the head. We hurriedly took them to the P. G. Hospital in a car. But alas! One boy died on the way. I hurried to their guardians and informed them of the accident. On hearing the sad news they burst into tears. I could not stand there any longer. It was a pathetic scene. I was shocked very much. I cannot forget it even now.

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