
The game of cricket Paragraph between 200-225 words

The game of cricket: In this post, we are share Write a paragraph between 200-225 words on The game of cricket, my favourite game cricket paragraph, short essay on a cricket match, essay on cricket 1000 words, a cricket match essay 100 words, paragraph on cricket, essay on cricket match for class 5, a cricket match essay 250 words, essay on cricket 100 words.

The game of cricket

The game of cricket

[ Hints: Cricket as a colonial game - its popularity - other popular games in India today - its position in comparison with them - conclusion]

The game of cricket

In India, the game of cricket spread as a colonial game during British rule. But now it is very popular and every man's game. Is played in schools, colleges and in villages, towns of India. A number of big matches are played every year in West Bengal and other states of India. Indian cricket team also participates in international matches outside India.

In India other popular games are Football, Basket Ball, Golf, Tennis, Table Tennis, Chess, Swimming, Hockey etc., Football is played during all the seasons. Football is very popular in schools and colleges. Every year big matches are played under Indian Football Association. Famous Indian and foreign teams also take part in important matches. Cheese, Hockey, Golf, Tennis, Basketball etc are also played in national and international spheres.

Most popular two games in India are football and cricket. Now cricket is being more popular than football, though football is almost a national game in west Bengal. One day Limited over cricket is very exciting and have become very popular. The world cup cricket is the greatest attraction to the cricket lovers of India. There are some world-famous cricketers in India.

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