
A Journey by Boat Essay | Essay on a Boat Journey

A Journey by Boat Essay, A Journey by Boat Essay for students and Kids, A Boat journey Essay within 500 words. Essay on boat for Class 1, A boat journey Paragraph for Class 10, A boat journey on a moonlit night for Class 6, Water journey essay, Essay on sea journey, Essay on voyage, Short story boat trip, A adventurous journey by boat

Essay on a Boat Journey

A Journey by Boat Essay


A journey by boat is a very pleasant affair. I with some of my friends planned for a journey by boat. We decided that we would go to a friend's house thirty miles away from our village.

Preparation : 

We hired a boat. There were two boatmen in it. We started our journey at 2 P. M. It was a sunny day. The sky was clear and the river was calm and quiet. The boat was going smoothly. We saw a steamer and a few motor launches We also saw many boats. They were on sails.

Description of the journey:

 The boat was going on There were green fields by the side of the river. They looked very beautiful. Women come to carry water. At sunset the sky looked red and nice. One by one the stars appeared in the sky It was a moonlit night. One of our friends sang sweet songs. We all listened to him. At ten in the night we reached our friends house. We got down from the boat. My friend welcomed us. He was happy. Thus our journey came to an end.

Conclusion : 

A journey by boat is a very pleasant thing to enjoy. We should make a journey by boat at least a year to enjoy a cheerful life.

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