
Simple Invoice Format, Bill Format Word , PDF, Image Format

An invoice is a document that details the goods or services provided by a seller to a buyer, along with their respective prices and any applicable taxes or discounts. The invoice serves as a request for payment from the buyer to the seller, usually with specific payment terms and instructions.


In an invoice, the seller typically includes information such as their business name, address, and contact information, as well as the buyer's information. It also includes the date of the transaction, the description of the goods or services sold, the quantity, unit price, total amount due, and any other relevant information related to the sale.

The purpose of an invoice is to provide a clear and concise record of the transaction between the buyer and the seller, and to ensure timely payment for the goods or services provided. Invoices are commonly used in business-to-business (B2B) transactions, but they may also be used in business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions.

In this post we are going to share invoice format ,Invoice Template, Bill Format , Bill Template . This format you will be used different bill payment for your customers . Dwonload Simple Invoice Format, Bill Format Word Document.

Computer Zone
Computer Sale & Service
Kushmandi, Dakshin Dinajpur, 733132

Name …………………………………………...  Date …………………………
Address ……………………….   Customer Mobile No ………………
Sl No.


Grand Total


Term & Condition
Ø  Goods one sold will not be taken back exchange.
Ø  No warranty on physical damaged by authorized service centers only.
Ø  Warranty service may take 30 days or more
Ø  Couriers charge to be borne by customer.

Seal & signature
Logo png.png

Download - Simple Invoice Format, Bill Format Word , PDF, Image Format

[Your Company Logo or Name] 
[Your Company Address] 
[City, State ZIP Code] 
[Phone Number] 
[Email Address]

Invoice # [Insert Invoice Number] 
Date: [Insert Date of Invoice]

Bill To: 
[Customer Name] 
[Customer Address] 
[City, State ZIP Code]
 [Phone Number] 
[Email Address]





[Product/Service 1]




[Product/Service 2]




[Product/Service 3]




[Product/Service 4]




Subtotal: [Insert Subtotal Amount] Tax: [Insert Tax Amount] Total: [Insert Total Amount]

Notes: [Insert any additional notes or comments here, such as payment terms]

Thank you for your business! Please remit payment to the above address by [Insert Payment Due Date].

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Free Invoice Format, Bill Format Word , PDF, Image Format
Dwonload Simple Invoice Format, Bill Format Word Document

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