
Autocad commend short notes, Autocad All Commands Functions

AutoCAD: - AutoCAD is computer graphics application package developed in 1980 by Autodesk U.S.A. The word Auto itself derives from the developers corporation of Autodesk while the cad stands for computer added drafting.

➤  NEW :
This command is used to create a New File.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl+N
➤  OPEN :
This command is used to open a pre-existing file.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl+O
➤  SAVE :
This command is used to store the drawing in the secondary storage device for future use.
Shortcut Key: Ctrl+S
Autocad commend short notes

➤  SAVE AS :
This command is used create a copy of the activated file.


Draw a line using the Line command, a line can be drawn between any two points picked within the drawing area. [ Draw a straight line segment from one point to the next (LINE / Creates straight line segments)]
Command Shortcuts: L

The trim command is used to trim or cut objects. This commands can also be used to remove the intersections of the multiple line segments. (Trims objects to a selected cutting edge.)
Command Shortcuts: TR

This command is used to extend a part of an existing object, up to a defined boundary. ( Extends objects to a selected boundary edge.)
Command Shortcuts: EX

The zoom command allows you to adjust the magnification level of the drawing area. It also allows you to draw a window around an object that you want to zoom.
Command Shortcuts: Z

The Circle command is used to draw circles. ( Draws a circle based on a center point and radius.)
Command Shortcut : CIRCLE
➤ ARC:
The Arc command allows you to draw an arc of a circle. Draws an arc based on a center point and 2 endpoints.
Command Shortcut: ARC

➤ Rectangle:The Rectangle command is used to draw a rectangle whose sides are vertical and horizontal. (Draws a rectangle after you enter one corner and then the second.)
Command Shortcut: RECTANG.


The Polygon command can be used to draw any regular polygon from 3 sides up to 1024 sides. 
Command Shortcut : POLYGON

This command is used to create a duplicate of selected object(s) in the same file. ( Copies objects from one place to another. )
Command Shortcut: CO


This command is used to delete selected object(s) from the file. ( Erases an object. You can erase a selecting object.)
Command Shortcut: E

Delete Key:
You can also erase the unwanted line segments by first selecting them and then pressing the delete key.

➤  Revcloud:
The Revcloud command is used to draw a "freehand" revision cloud or to convert any closed shape into a revision cloud.
Command Shortcut: REVCLOUD

The point command will insert a point marker in your drawing at a position which you pick in the drawing window or at any co-ordinate location which you enter at the keyboard.
Command Shortcut:POINT

➤  Offets:
This command is used to draw the parallel of selected object. (Offsets an object (parallel) by a set distance.)
Command Shortcut : offset

This command is used to move the drawing sheet dynamically. It can be used as the substitute of scroll.

➤  MOVE:
This command is used to change the position of selected object(s) in the same file.
Command Shortcut: MO 

This command is used to Rotate selected object(s).
 Command Shortcut: RO

This command is used to create the Mirror image of selected object(s).
Command Shortcut: MI

Breaks an object into its components object


To create Bevel about a corner.
Command Shortcuts:CHA

➤  PLOT :
This command is used to Print the Drawing on Paper. (Enables the Print/Plot Configuration Dialog Box)
Command Shortcuts: Ctrl+P

This command is used to draw both straight line and curve. The operation of Polyline is almost same as the operation of Line command.
Command Shortcuts:  PL
Undoes the last command.

➤  ARRAY :
This command is used to create multiple duplicates of selected object(s) at regular interval. 
Command Shortcuts: AR
This command is used to create beveled corner between two non-parallel lines.
Command Shortcut: F

This command is used to create new Layer.
Command Shortcut: LA

➤  DTEXT (Single Line Text) :
This command is used to create Single Line Text object.
Command Shortcuts: DT

➤  MTEXT (Multiline Text) :
This command is used to create Multiline Text object.
Command Shortcuts: MT

This command is used to break an object into different segments. Explode command is used on those objects, which are drawn by Polygon, Polyline commands
Command Shortcuts:X

This command is used to control the type of measurement Unit.
Command Shortcuts:UN

This command is used to Divide an object into different equal divisions.
Command Shortcuts: DIV

 This command is used to create a New Block. If we use Block command to create the block, the created block can be used in the source file only.
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